It is Day 9 of this long trip in Bangalore, India.  I am ready to go home…in two days, Yay!

Someone asked me today what do I like Bangalore the most.  It’s a tought question and I am not sure how to answer it.  This is not my first trip to India but it is the first time to Bangalore.  The people here are very nice, as in Mumbai or New Delhi.

Bangalore is called the “Garden State” because there are a lot of greenery, trees and plants everywhere, especially outside of the city center.  The climate here is very mild and nice year around I was told.  As I am here during July/August and everyday the temperature is about 82 high and 65 low, not humid.

Just like everywhere else in India, Bangalore has a lot of construction and the roads are in bad shape with a lot of potholes.  There are hardly any traffic lights and people just drive where they can.  Crossing the street is a big challenge and it is a major health hazard as in you may get hit by a car or motorbike.

Bangalore is a big city and if I have more time to explore, I think I may really like it.  However, since I only have half day to see the city (although I am staying at Bangalore for almost 10 days), I didn’t fall in love with it as I did with Mumbai.  I felt like there was not much to do or see in Bangalore.